Contact Us
In Emergencies Phone: 000
Base Phone: 07 4099 5392
Maritime Call Sign: VMR410
Who is Marine Rescue Port Douglas?
We are the Volunteer Marine Rescue service that goes to the aid of mariners in need of assistance or rescue in the Great Barrier Reef waters off the coast of Port Douglas, Queensland, Australia.
Marine Rescue Port Douglas is affiliated with the Volunteer Marine Rescue Association Queensland (VMRAQ). We are the official marine rescue service operating out of Port Douglas. We are one of 26 VMRAQ Marine Rescue Squadrons in Queensland. The Queensland Squadrons extend from Torres Strait in the north to the New South Wales border in the south.
Our mission is to respond to marine incidents in waters adjacent to Port Douglas. Incidents may include anything from major Search and Rescue activations, involving other Emergency Services, to towing disabled vessels or transporting injured mariners back to port.
Become a Member Today
For mariners, it’s an unfortunate fact of boating life that sooner or later something will go wrong at sea that you can’t solve yourself.
Our Members pay a fee of $90 a year to insure themselves against paying significantly more.
A tow back to Port Douglas for example for a Non-Member could cost many hundreds of dollars.
For Members, the first 5 hours of towing is included in your membership fee. Members who own a boat can feel secure in the knowledge that we have all of the relevant information about their vessel and their emergency contacts in our database. Go to the Mariners page to join.